District Employment Opportunities
Support Staff
Support Staff Postings
There is on-going recruitment for the following substitute positions:
Bus Driver Bus Monitor Cashier/FSH
Cleaner Custodian Typist School Monitor
Teacher Aide Mechanic Building Maintenance
Transporter/Food Service Helper
Position Title: Teacher Aides
10 month positions – 6 Hours/Day
Salary: Per SFSSA Contract
Effective: Upon Civil Service Approval and SFCSD BOE Approval
Click here to apply online at Seneca County's Application Portal.
Click here for the District Application (or call 315-568-5818).
Send letter of interest to:
Mrs. Karissa Blamble, Director of Special Programs
PO Box 268
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Inquiries: 315-568-5500 ext. 3100
Position Title: School Bus Drivers
10 month positions – Minimum 5 Hours/Day
Salary: Per SFSSA Contract
Effective: Upon SFCSD BOE Approval
Click here to apply online at Seneca County's Application Portal.
Click here for the District Application (or call 315-568-5818).
Send letter of interest to:
Mr. James Bruni, Administrator of Business & Operations
PO Box 268
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Inquiries: 315-568-5874
Position Title: Substitute Bus Drivers and Monitors
Continuous Recruitment
Send letter of interest to:
Mr. James Bruni, Administrator of Business & Operations
PO Box 268
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Inquiries: 315-568-5874
Application Process
Below is the process that must be completed in order to apply for a Support Staff position in the Seneca Falls Central School District. All documents can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Complete the Support Staff Application form.
- Click here to complete the Seneca County Civil Service Application form online.
- Complete the necessary Federal forms: I-9, W-4, and IT-2104 (if necessary) (Click here for the IRS Forms.)
- Complete the Fingerprinting form.
- Apply to the BOCES Sub Service by completing the "Substitute Profile" (if applying for a Teacher Aide position).
If you are unsure about which position you are applying for, please complete the form below.
Support Staff Documents
Substitute Support Staff Application
Instructional Postings
There is on-going recruitment for the following substitute positions:
Teachers Teaching Assistant Tutors
Position Title: Speech Language Pathologist
Clinical Competency Certificate (CCC) or Clinical Fellow Year (CFY)
NYS Certified
1.0 FTE
Position can be Full-Time or Part-Time
Salary: Per SFEA Contract
Effective: After BOE Approval
Click here for the District Application (or call 315-568-5818).
Send letter of interest , resume, application, college transcripts and letters of reference to:
Mrs. Karissa Blamble, Director of Special Programs
PO Box 268
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Inquiries: 315-568-5500 ext. 3100
Position Title: Teaching Assistant
NYS Certified
1.0 FTE
Salary: Per SFEA Contract
Effective: After BOE Approval
Click here for the District Application (or call 315-568-5818).
Janet Clendenen, FK Principal
315-568-5500 ext. 3300
Send letter of interest to:
Dr. Michelle Reed,, Superintendent of Schools
Seneca Falls CSD
PO Box 268
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Inquiries: 315-568-5500
If you are unsure about which position you are applying for, please complete the form below.
Seneca Falls CSD Employment Questionnaire
Professional Postings Documents
Thank you for visiting our District Employment Opportunities page. We also use Recruit Front:
Coaching Postings
Position Title: Football Varsity Program Coach
Salary: Per SFEA Contract
Effective: 7/1/2025
Successful applicants must provide the following paperwork prior to Board of Education approval:
● Completed district application.
● References- Please provide a list of references with names, phone numbers, email, and position of reference.
● Proof of coaching certification.
Click here for the District Application (or call 315-568-5818).
Send letter of interest, application, coaching certification & letters of reference to:
Mr. Kevin Korzeniewski, Athletic Director
c/o Mynderse Academy Athletic Department
95 Troy Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148