March 19, 2020
Capital Project 2020-2021
As you know, the District is starting a capital project this spring. The first work to be done is the removal of asbestos in the Mynderse Academy science wing and gymnasium/locker room area. This work was expected to start during the upcoming spring break. With the current school closure, the contractors are going to start the abatement process on March 30, 2020. The goal is to complete the work while school is not in session. Our construction manager is optimistic that the abatement process will be completed prior to staff and students returning on April 14, 2020. If by chance the work was not completed in the gymnasium, the abatement contractors would finish the work during B shift operations (3 PM-11:30 PM).
Below are the procedures and precautionary measures taken by the asbestos abatement contractors and monitored by our construction manager and a third party vendor:
The abatement contractor’s work will be completely isolated from the remainder of the building. All rooms, being worked on, will be covered in two layers of poly, with the seams staggered and sealed to make sure there are no “leaks”. All exhaust outlets, air returns, and supply, etc. will be sealed off. When performing the abatement work, the contractor will utilize negative air machines in the space to keep any dust (if any) down. When abating, the contractor utilizes wet methods, which involve soaking the material before removing it so that there is no dust. All personnel will be required to shower in their containment before exiting the space.
In the event that the abatement goes beyond April 13th and work is required to be completed during a B shift (3 PM-11:30 PM), air sampling reports will be provided each day to assure the building is safe for staff and students to enter Mynderse Academy. Staff and students will not enter the 6-12 complex if the reports are not acceptable.
A report summarizing the overall monitoring of the project will be issued at the completion of the project. The report will include pertinent data, including but not limited to site logs, air monitoring data sheets, laboratory reports, and chain of custody forms.
Contact the Business Office at 315-568-5874 if you have any questions.
Jeramy Clingerman