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District Libraries

Seneca Falls Central School District Library Media Centers

The Seneca Falls Central School District Library Media Centers seek to inspire all students to become lifelong learners, which will empower the students with the ability to access and process information and ideas and to support the educational strategies of the school community.

A Note from Your School Library Media Centers:

On behalf of the students and staff, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation for the support shown the Seneca Falls School Libraries. In addition to borrowing from our own libraries, students borrow many books from school, public, and college libraries outside of our district. 

Please continue to assist us in looking for missing books and return any found to the closest school office or library.  If a book is truly lost or damaged beyond repair, please contact the school library for the cost to replace the item.  Cash or check, made out to Seneca Falls Central Schools, with a note of “library book” and book # on the check, should be returned to the respective school library.  The payment will be recorded on the book record, and a receipt will be provided.  If later, the book is found, a refund will be issued. 

 Library Links 

The word %22Clever%22 written in white on a dark blue background

Clever Destiny Discover (Library Catalogs)

An orange light bulb with a white shape on a dark blue background

Frank Knight School

Elizabeth Cady Stanton School

Seneca Falls Middle School

Mynderse Academy

*See library staff for login information.   

The Seneca Falls Public Library in early spring

Seneca Falls Public Library

47 Cayuga Street


Monday through Friday  10:00 am-8:00 pm

Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm

Sunday 2:00 pm-5:00 pm

Library Website