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Mynderse Academy Athletic Hall of Fame

Mynderse Athletic Hall of Fame wall

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The 14th annual Mynderse Academy Athletic Hall of Fame Induction was conducted on Sunday, October 13, 2024.  If attendance was any indication of success, this year’s induction was very successful.  A large crowd joined in the induction celebration of the new members to the Hall.  The Hall of Fame Committee wishes to thank all those in attendance and congratulate the inductees. The Committee also thanks all the faithful sponsors of the Hall of Fame organization.  Included below is a list of those that support our program. 


HOF Induction Photo 1

Seated:  Michael Hathaway, Louis Rizzieri, Robert Caraccilo, Molly Hanlin Murphy

Standing:  Robert Bachman, Thomas Gaun

Not in Photo:  Jane Rosenkrans

1951 & 1955 Football Teams

HOF induction Photo 2

Assistant Coach Chet Kuplinski, Ron Piscitelli, Bill Turri, Bill Baker, Dave Rogers, Bob Caraccilo

1951 & 1955 Team with Family Representatives of Deceased Team Members 

HOF Induction Photo 3


The Mynderse Academy Athletic Hall of Fame Committee sincerely thanks all the gracious donations received by the following supporters.



The Bonafiglia Family Foundation



Greg & Dawn D’Angelo - In Memory of Michael Marriam

Larry Guisti

Seneca Meadows



Tony & Elaine Ferrara                                           Dave McNaney                               Kirk & Patty Ward Michael & Fran Ferrara Kevin & Patty Kabat 

John & Maxine Nicholson                           Madelyn & Peyton Verkey                      Jeffrey Manning Wonderful Life Run Col. Dominic Caraccilo 

Michael & Jane Bullis                                           Ed & Rose Barto                               SMS Lodge Seneca Falls Rec Boosters Chris Dragone

Ted & Pat Novak                                           Dave & Debbie Swenson                        Rob & Jen Alcott DA’s Liquor Robert & Liz Campbell  

Dr. Tim Ryan                                                   John & Diana Pannucci                         Xylem Corporation   Gus & Connie Irland Fred & Denise Capozzi 

Mark & Patty Scheuerman                               Above the Rim Club                            Scott & Mary Smith Maria Caraccilo Anonymous

Dan & Joanne Caraher                                George & Diane Valesente                      Liz & Steve Becht Fran Piscitelli Ed & Tracy Caraccilo

Nick & Marie Midey                                       Bob & Linda McKeveny                         David & Donna Baker Christine Amidon Bob & Joan Valesente

Wilson Press Bob & Emily Markel Bob & Kitty Peterson Steve & Lynn Avveduti  Joe Nozzolio

Chris Dragone


Alan & Doreen Brown – In Memory of Angelo Suffredini

Phil & Carol Suffredini – In Memory of Angelo & Gina Suffredini

George & Kathleen Capacci – In Memory of Albert & Margret Capacci

Carol Wormuth – In Memory of David Wormuth

                              Dr. Michael & Carolyn Riccione – In Memory of Dominico & Mary Riccione

David & Kathy Ferrara – In Memory of Anthony & Jane Ferrara

John Capacci – In Memory of Adolphe & Frances Capacci

Nancy Bucholz - In Memory of Adolphe & Frances Capacci

Michael Ferrara – In Honor of the 1994 Girls’ Basketball Team

Rod & Char Verkey – In Memory of Abe & Helen Verkey

Jan Caraccilo – In Memory of Vince Caraccilo       



Click the button below to view the Athletic Hall of Fame newsletters.

Athletic Hall of Fame Newsletters

If you have any questions or comments related to the Athletic Hall of Fame, please contact us via the link below:

Email: Ted Novak

Click the link below for the easy to complete, online nomination form to nominate a team or player. You do not need to provide athletic accomplishments when you nominate.

Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Basic Hall Information


The Mynderse Academy Athletic Hall of Fame was created to provide a forum to honor and provide a permanent tribute to those individuals who have made significant contributions to athletics at Mynderse Academy and/or who have left Mynderse and gone on to make “outstanding” contributions in the world of athletics.

Eligibility Criteria

A. Attended Mynderse Academy and participated in interscholastic athletics sponsored by the Seneca Falls School District for a minimum of two years OR

B. Coached a Seneca Falls School District team or teams for a minimum of five years OR

C. Made a significant contribution to the students of Mynderse Academy through interscholastic athletics OR

D. Attended Mynderse Academy and may not have necessarily participated in the sports program but made significant contributions in the world of sports OR

E. A female athlete who attended Mynderse prior to 1972.  Prior to 1972, female athletes were not given the same interscholastic athletic competition opportunities.  The Hall does not want to overlook female athletes prior to 1972.

Criteria For All Candidates

F.  Is and has been of good moral character

G. A ten year waiting period is required for induction from the time of graduation from the Academy.


Rod Verkey
Ted Novak
Tony Ferrara
Elizabeth Bruch Becht
Lisa Caraccilo Anderson
Michael Ferrara 
Robert McKeveny

Mynderse Academy Athletic Hall of Fame Files

Download this file for information on how to make a donation.Hall of Fame Donation Letter

 All nominees need to complete this form by June 1.MA Hall of Fame Nominee Information

A nominee uses this form for a letter of recommendation.MA Hall of Fame Letter of Recommendation Form